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The science of disinfection and temperature control

Brewing is both a science and an art. The creator within us wants to create beer that we will enjoy ourselves and treat friends and family to. The scientist within us wants to tweak all the little things to improve brewing efficiency, hop utilization and quality consistency. Sometimes we dig too deep into the variables, so we don’t know exactly which one helped us or, conversely, ruined everything. As far as I’m concerned, there are two most important parts of the brewing process – purity and temperature control. Don’t spend crazy money on a new boiler, mash tank, or conical fermenter. You can buy these later. Above all, home brewers are taught to keep it clean, but people sometimes cut corners. Don’t neglect cleaning! There are many different cleaning and disinfecting products on the market. Choose the right ones and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Second, invest in a refrigerator and temperature controller, there are plenty on sale online. You can connect the controller to your refrigerator or choose one that has inputs for heating and cooling, I recommend this one. Temperature control during fermentation will allow you to brew beer with consistent quality, minimizing exposure to large temperature fluctuations. It will also allow you to brew lagers and pilsners, which require a fermentation temperature of 9-11 degrees Celsius. Once you’ve mastered the art of disinfection and temperature control, you’re on your way to brewing a fantastic beer. That’s when you can think about buying that shiny conical fermentation tank you’ve been drooling over.

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